Pastor's Pen >


April has moved into its place on the calendar with more than just showers. April showers have morphed into torrential rain and tornadoes. Yet, there are still other events that are exciting to anticipate and celebrate during the month of April. Once we get past April Fool’s Day, we can focus on many other memorable occasions. Certainly, the resurrection of Jesus Christ cannot be forgotten as we remember the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. For many Christians, Easter celebrations also help to make April incredibly special.

In addition, the arrival of April finds us mourning many losses. In the Tennessee capital of Nashville there was the tragic loss of life at a private school. In our beloved city of Memphis, we can continue to mourn the death of teens and others due to violence – especially gun related incidents. How can we ignore the trauma and tragedy resulting from the horrendous actions of our police officers who are responsible for our safety and welfare? Let us also remember that the loss of people and property are the heart-wrenching costs inflicted upon us by weather upheavals. While we mourn our many losses, we can be comforted by God’s omniscience because we can still celebrate one important gain. As believers, we must continue to be encouraged by this constant reminder – Jesus Christ is alive and well. His conquest over death gives us victory as well.

Even as we mourn our losses and confront the challenges of April, we must never lose sight of the fact that we can do all things with Christ on our side. We can endure suffering while looking for success. Victimization can become victorious through our faith in God. April may bring anguish to the arena, but our faith brings answers. Problems only highlight our problem solver, JESUS. His resurrection is a refreshing reminder of our Lord’s word and work. We are no longer victims; we are overcomers. Because He Lives, we can face today’s challenges and tomorrow’s problems. We all hail the power of Jesus Christ and welcome April because Jesus welcomes us as we celebrate Him in the month of April.

Glory to God!